America's Biopharmaceutical Companies -
Behind every medical innovation is a team of researchers – those seeking extraordinary, life-saving breakthroughs. Eclipsed by negative public perception of the challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry, their stories have long gone untold. Until now.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) launched GOBOLDLY a national, advertising and public affairs campaign on behalf of its member companies targeting a consumer audience. This advocacy campaign, aptly spearheaded under the group name America's Biopharmaceutical Companies (ABC), seeks to highlight medical breakthroughs, the urgency and fragility of scientific progress, and the inspirational individuals on all sides of the field who drive innovation.
In addition to the campaign site, PhRMA maintained a content hub,, containing technical information and articles about the science behind the advancements. The site was the result of in-depth content assessment to create a unified destination that helped visitor to find the most relevant, intriguing information to satisfy their interests and inspire them to join the GOBOLDLY movement. The campaign was part of a vast digital ecosystem that included original long- and short-form content, TV spots, robust social media streams, and an email stream.
Client: America's Biopharmaceutical Companies/Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
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