USAID - Gender Equality & women’s empowerment

Gender equality and women’s empowerment is one of many causes that USAID is committed to supporting on a global level. Their office dedicated to the cause focuses on programs on both a global scale and within underserved communities to engage, support, and promote people of all genders to empower women and girls.

As part of USAID’s Office of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment celebration of International Day of the Girl, we created a video to showcase the agency’s immense efforts and advocacy. Rather than crafting a voiceover narrative, we wanted the champions of equality—women and girls—to speak for themselves. Through their own words, we learn about the impact USAID has had on their personal journeys to unlock the astronomical potential that women and girls have on transforming their own lives and pushing progress for the world.

Client: USAID

Concept and copy created at Ogilvy
